Yale University

Amy C. Justice, M.D., M.Sc., Ph.D.

  • Professor of Medicine (General Medicine), Yale School of Medicine
  • Professor of Public Health (Health Policy), Yale School of Public Health
  • Section Chief of General Internal Medicine, VA Connecticut Healthcare System


Dr. Justice has conducted research focusing on outcomes in chronic HIV infection for more than 20 years. Her goal is to use HIV infection as a model for improving outcomes in chronic disease by studying the association between mutable mediators of clinical outcome in HIV and intervening on these mediators. She is the Principal Investigator on the Veterans Aging Cohort Study (VACS) (www.vacohort.org). This research, initially funded by career development awards from the National Institute on Aging and The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, considers the complex roles of aging, symptoms, medical treatment, adherence, patient-provider relationships, disease severity, and medical and psychiatric comorbid illness in determining survival and quality of life for people with HIV infection. VACS has received 10 years of funding from NIAAA, the first 5 years supported expansion of the study to include HIV negative controls and additional study sites. The current renewal supports preparation for intervention studies. The study is focused on understanding the likely interactive and overlapping role of alcohol use and abuse in determining outcomes among veterans aging with HIV infection and comparing this role to age-race-site matched HIV negative veterans. For more information on the VACS study, visit www.vacohort.org. Dr. Justice has experience with observational data including analyzing large and complex databases, comparing results across databases, and conducting observational studies. She has studied predictors of survival and quality of life and is expert in the development, validation, and evaluation of multivariable prognostic models. Dr. Justice has published over 120 papers related to this work, served on twenty expert panels addressing issues of understanding and improving clinical outcomes in HIV infection, and chaired NIH special emphasis grant reviews. She currently serves as a steering committee member of theCenter for Health Quality, Outcomes, and Economic Research the Bedford Massachusetts VA HSR&D Center of Excellence, a member of the YCCI/CTSA Career Oversight Committee, and a mentor to the Indiana University-Moi University Kenya AIDS Care Initiative. Additionally she serves on the National VA HIV-QUERI Executive Committee and the National VA HIV/HCV Technical Advisory Committee.

Areas of Expertise:
  • Alcohol
  • Clinical management
  • Comorbidity and aging
  • Secondary prevention