Yale University

Supportive Housing for PLHA: Risk Behaviors and Prevention Interventions

Principle Investigator(s):

Funder: CIRA
Project period: 07/17/2007 - 07/16/2009
Grant Type: Pilot Project

Abstract Text:

Persons with HIV/AIDS who are living in supportive housing receive case management services to identify their needs and link them with services both within the housing program and in the outside community. Studies indicate that persons living in supportive AIDS housing have better access to medical care and social services and are more successful in overcoming critical barriers to health and independence than those who only have housing or who only have supportive services.

With federal prevention funding focused so clearly on prevention for positives, it is important that we gain a clearer understanding of the effect of prevention interventions on supportive housing residents, where and how supportive housing programs can improve and enhance prevention efforts, and the overall impact of supportive housing on risk behaviors.

We believe that an exploration of these issues will help inform future research efforts in this area. Even more importantly they can be of use to supportive housing programs as they seek funding to improve and expand prevention initiatives within their programs. Furthermore, it is our opinion that supportive housing is a highly effective care setting not only for residents who are unable to live entirely independent lives due to disability, but serves the overall public health by effectively reducing risk behaviors among its residents through its intensive and holistic approach to prevention interventions and support services in general. As federal funding for AIDS specific housing shrinks, programs will need more and more quantitative data which underscores just how invaluable these services are to the overall health of our residents, and of our communities.