Yale University

Optimal allocation of testing dollars: the example of HIV counseling, testing, and referral.

TitleOptimal allocation of testing dollars: the example of HIV counseling, testing, and referral.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2005
AuthorsWalensky, Rochelle P., Milton C. Weinstein, Heather E. Smith, Kenneth A. Freedberg, and David A. Paltiel
JournalMedical decision making : an international journal of the Society for Medical Decision Making
Date Published2005 May-Jun
KeywordsAIDS Serodiagnosis, Computer Simulation, Continuity of Patient Care, Cost-Benefit Analysis, Counseling, Decision Support Techniques, HIV Infections, Humans, Investments, Mass Screening, Models, Statistical, Patient Acceptance of Health Care, Prevalence, Probability, Quality-Adjusted Life Years, Referral and Consultation, Resource Allocation, Sensitivity and Specificity, United States
AbstractHealth screening programs can be represented as a pathway of sequential processes: offering a test, obtaining consent, conducting the test, providing results, and linking to appropriate care. Using the example of HIV testing, the authors explore the optimal targeting of funds within this pathway.
Alternate JournalMed Decis Making

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