Dr. Sarah Calabrese has been awarded a K01 Mentored Research Scientist Development Award from the National Institute of Mental Health (K01-MH103080). Her grant, entitled "Intervention to Promote PrEP Awareness and Equitable Prescription among Providers," aims to develop and pilot test a single-session, group-based intervention for health care providers to increase their awareness about PrEP and promote equitable access to PrEP for Black men who have sex with men (MSM) and other marginalized groups.
Following two years as a Post-Doctoral Fellow with the Interdisciplinary HIV Prevention Training Program (T32-MH020031), Sarah recently began a new position as Associate Research Scientist at the Yale School of Public Health. "I am excited to continue working with the incredibly talented and supportive mentors I have here – Drs. Jack Dovidio, Nate Hansen, and Trace Kershaw – and have been fortunate to receive a wealth of research and administrative support from within the fellowship and across CIRA," she said. "From statistical consultations, peer review, career guidance and help with pre-award, I'm grateful to everyone at CIRA and look forward to continuing my affiliation with the Center."
CIRA's suite of training programs includes the T32 pre- and post-doctoral fellowship, the Research Education Institute for Diverse Scholars, and affiliated international training programs in HIV prevention research.
Published: Monday, June 9, 2014