Looking for a new podcast? Delving into everything from black empowerment, drugs, and sex, CIRA affiliates are giving voice to serious issues. Below are several noteworthy options:
- Black and EMPOWERed Podcast: Co-hosted by former Research Education Institute for Diverse Scholars (REIDS) Scholar, Dr. Isha Metzger, currently an assistant professor at the University of Georgia. Published every two weeks, Black and EMPOWERed focuses on Engaging Minorities in Prevention, Outreach, Wellness, Education, and Research.
- Crackdown: Serving as co-creator and scientific lead of Crackdown is Dr. Ryan McNeil, Director of Harm Reduction Research at the Yale Program in Addiction Medicine. This is a monthly podcast about drugs, drug policy and the drug war led by drug user activists and supported by research.
- Sex, Drugs & Science: Co-hosted by former CIRA postdoctoral fellow, Dr. Valerie Earnshaw, currently an associate professor at the University of Delaware. SD&S features interviews with scientists studying topics such as: pornography, opioids, HIV, harm reduction, and other topics.
Published: Sunday, May 2, 2021