Coker-Appiah, Dionne Smith, Aletha Y. Akers, Bahby Banks, Tashuna Albritton, Karyn Leniek, Mysha Wynn, Selena E. Youmans, Donald Parker, Arlinda Ellison, Stacey Henderson et al. "
In their own voices: rural African-American youth speak out about community-based HIV prevention interventions."
Progress in community health partnerships : research, education, and action 3, no. 4 (2009): 275-6.
Coker-Appiah, Dionne Smith, Aletha Y. Akers, Bahby Banks, Tashuna Albritton, Karyn Leniek, Mysha Wynn, Selena E. Youmans, Donald Parker, Arlinda Ellison, Stacey Henderson et al. "
In their own voices: rural African American youth speak out about community-based HIV prevention interventions."
Progress in community health partnerships : research, education, and action 3, no. 4 (2009): 301-12.