Yale University


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Fiellin, David A., Patrick G. O'Connor, Eric S. Holmboe, and Ralph I. Horwitz. "Risk for delirium tremens in patients with alcohol withdrawal syndrome." Substance abuse : official publication of the Association for Medical Education and Research in Substance Abuse 23, no. 2 (2002): 83-94. Abstract
Liao, Su-Su, Jean Schensul, and Ivan Wolffers. "Sex-related health risks and implications for interventions with hospitality women in Hainan, China." AIDS education and prevention : official publication of the International Society for AIDS Education 15, no. 2 (2003): 109-21. Abstract
Sullivan, Lynn E., and David A. Fiellin. "Hepatitis C and HIV infections: implications for clinical care in injection drug users." The American journal on addictions / American Academy of Psychiatrists in Alcoholism and Addictions 13, no. 1 (2004): 1-20. Abstract
Blankenship, Kim M., and Amy B. Smoyer. "Prison, re-entry, and HIV prevention." Focus (San Francisco, Calif.) 22, no. 4 (2007): 5-6.
Berkenblit, Gail, Lynn Sullivan, James Sosman, Allen Gifford, and Joseph Cofrancesco. "Update in HIV care." Journal of general internal medicine 22, no. 2 (2007): 253-6.