Yale University


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Journal Article
Boyce, John M., Nancy L. Havill, Heather L. Havill, Elise Mangione, Diane G. Dumigan, and Brent A. Moore. "Comparison of fluorescent marker systems with 2 quantitative methods of assessing terminal cleaning practices." Infection control and hospital epidemiology : the official journal of the Society of Hospital Epidemiologists of America 32, no. 12 (2011): 1187-93. Abstract
Kaplan, Clair. "Condoms for women. New options protect and empower." Advance for nurse practitioners 16, no. 12 (2008): 44-6.
Reed, Elizabeth, Kaveh Khoshnood, Kim M. Blankenship, and Celia B. Fisher. "Confidentiality, privacy, and respect." Journal of empirical research on human research ethics : JERHRE 9, no. 1 (2014): 19-28. Abstract