CIRA presents a virtual panel discussion on strategies to maintain productivity and communication with research collaborators and opportunities emerged from the pandemic. Panelists include Yale faculty researchers and CIRA International Visiting... |
08/19/2020 |
Presenter: Timothy Mah, DSc, Deputy Division Chief, Office of HIV/AIDS, USAID |
03/06/2020 |
CIRA hosted two international HIV scholars in April 2018 as part of the third International Visiting Fellow Program that aims to support collaborative HIV research endeavors with CIRA faculty hosts and facilitate new collaborations with others in... |
04/16/2019 |
CIRA hosted two international HIV scholars in April 2018 as part of the third International Visiting Fellow Program that aims to support collaborative HIV research endeavors with CIRA faculty hosts and facilitate new collaborations with others in... |
04/15/2019 |
Dr. David Chambers is Deputy Director for Implementation Science in the Office of the Director in the Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences (DCCPS) at the National Cancer Institute (NCI). |
01/28/2019 |
Presenter: Peter Cherutich, MBChB, PhD, MPH (Ministry of Health, Kenya) Download Slides:... |
04/24/2017 |
Presenter 1: Venkatesan Chakrapani, MD (Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER) and Centre for Sexuality and Health Research and Policy (C-SHaRP), India) |
04/18/2017 |
Presented by Stephen R. Latham, J.D., Ph.D. on Thursday, January 21, 2016. |
01/21/2016 |
Presented by Jean J. Schensul, Ph.D., Institute for Community Research |
04/08/2015 |
04/01/2015 |