Yale University

HIV, Mobility, and Displacement

To expand and further the work of the HIV/AIDS in Humanitarian Crises project, CIRA established the HIV, Mobility, and Displacement program in 2023 to stimulate and support research and collaborations that promote status neutral HIV-related prevention and care among populations experiencing mobility and displacement.

This program is part of CIRA’s Clinical and Health Services Research Core and co-led by Kaveh Khoshnood, PhD, MPH and E. Jennifer Edelman, MD, MHS and coordinated by Dini Harsono, MSc.


  • A workgroup that meets bimonthly to share in-progress work, collaborative research and program ideas, funding opportunities, events, and discussion of common measures and other resources.
  • A seminar series focused on “Managing Health during Humanitarian Crises: Resilience, Establishing Health Priorities, and Impact on Health Care Workers.” This initiative is supported by a conference grant awarded by the Yale MacMillan Center’s Edward J. and Dorothy Clarke Kempf Memorial Fund to Drs. Julia Rozanova and Sheela Shenoi.