Yale University

Video Archive

CIRA Talk: "Advancing HIV Testing Strategies for Men Who Have Sex with Men"
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The Center for Interdisciplinary Research on AIDS at Yale University (CIRA) offers pilot funding to support preliminary and/or feasibility studies in HIV-related research that will ultimately lead to larger studies evaluating novel interventions...

CIRA's Qualitative Research Discussion Group (QRDG) Series: Jairo Palomares, CIDEIM
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Jairo Palomares, Centro Internacional de Entrenamiento e Investigaciones Medicas (CIDEIM)
I am a researcher at CIDEIM. I hold a Master of Science and a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Clinical Sciences - Epidemiology from Colorado State...

International Visiting Fellow 2024 Seminar
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This seminar features presentations by two CIRA international visiting fellows on their respective HIV research in South Africa and Ukraine.

Presenter 1: Lucy Chimoyi, The Aurum Institute, South Africa
"Generating Evidence-Based...

CIRA's Qualitative Research Discussion Group (QRDG) Series: Teresa O'Leary, PhD
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Teresa O’Leary, Yale School of Public Health (Postdoctoral Fellow)

Teresa K. O'Leary is a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Biostatistics Department (Health Informatics Division) at the Yale School of Public Health. Before graduate school, Dr. O...

The Ethics of Conducting Health Research in Humanitarian Settings: Principles, Practice, and Reflections from the Field
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The goal of virtual panel is to facilitate a multidisciplinary discussion on the ethical complexities of conducting health research in humanitarian settings that can inform ongoing work and future collaborations in this topic. This panel is part...

CIRA QRDG: "Implementing Photovoice in Affected Communities: What Works and What Does Not Work?"
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CERiA: Centre of Excellence for Research in Infectious Diseases and AIDS, Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, in collaboration with the University of Delaware and Yale University, conducted a photovoice project to hear the voices of the...

The Identification of Influential and Susceptible Individuals in Studies with Spillover
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Dr. Laura Forastiere is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Biostatistics at Yale School of Public Health. Her methodological research is focused on methods for assessing causal inference for evidence-based research, exploring the...

CIRA QRDG: "Decolonizing Global Public Health: A Reflection on Methods and Praxis"
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QRDG Overview:
The goal of the Qualitative Research Discussion Group (QRDG) is to provide opportunities for individuals involved in qualitative or mixed-methods research to meet regularly to discuss the qualitative research process and...

CIRA's Qualitative Research Discussion Group (QRDG): "Navigating Challenges in Community-based Research Aimed at Ending the HIV Epidemic Among Black Women"
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Orange County, Florida is among several priority jurisdictions identified in the federal Ending the HIV Epidemic initiative due to the high prevalence of HIV in the region. Notably, the impact of HIV on Black cisgender women in Orange County is...

CIRA's Qualitative Research Discussion Group (QRDG): "What Make a Difference, for Whom, and Under What Conditions?"
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Qualitative data can play an important role in explaining complex outcomes, accounting for both nuance and context. Matrix displays are one approach for identifying cross-case patterns linking qualitative conditions with outcomes of...
