Yale University

Previous use of alcohol, cigarettes, and marijuana and subsequent abuse of prescription opioids in young adults.

TitlePrevious use of alcohol, cigarettes, and marijuana and subsequent abuse of prescription opioids in young adults.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2013
AuthorsFiellin, Lynn E., Jeanette M. Tetrault, William C. Becker, David A. Fiellin, and Rani A. Hoff
JournalThe Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine
Date Published2013 Feb
AbstractThere has been an increase in the abuse of prescription opioids, especially in younger individuals. The current study explores the association between alcohol, cigarette, and/or marijuana use during adolescence and subsequent abuse of prescription opioids during young adulthood.
Alternate JournalJ Adolesc Health

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