Since the start of 2024, CIRA has affiliated 4 individuals and 16 research projects. Click each link below to read more information.
If you have interest in affiliating with CIRA, please contact Erin Nicholson (erin.nicholson@yale.edu).
- Mona Abdo, PhD, MPH (Yale School of Medicine)
- Angela Di Paola, PhD (Yale School of Medicine)
- Sarah R. Lowe, PhD (Yale School of Public Health)
- Adati Tarfa, PharmD, MS, PhD (Yale School of Medicine)
Research Projects:
- FIC D43 – Georgian Implementation Science Fogarty Training Program (GIFT)
PI: Altice, Frederick Lewis; Esserman, Denise; Kirtadze, Irma - NIAID R01 – Innovations in Implementing Decentralized HIV Services in Peru
PI: Altice, Frederick Lewis - FIC R01 – Reducing Stigma in People Who Inject Drugs with HIV Using a Rapid Start Antiretroviral Therapy Intervention
PI: Altice, Frederick Lewis - Malaysian Implementation Science Training (MIST) Program in HIV
PI: Altice, Frederick Lewis - NIAID R21 – Mobile Health and Oral Testing to Optimize Tuberculosis Contact Tracing in Colombia
PI: Davis, John Lucian - P01 NIAAA – The HIV and Alcohol Research center focused on Polypharmacy (HARP)PI: Justice, Amy Caroline
- R01 NIAAA – Evaluation of a Combined Motivational Interviewing and Ecological Momentary Intervention to Reduce Risky Alcohol Use among Sexual Minority Males and Transgender Individuals
PI: Lauckner, Carolyn; Kershaw, Trace S - NIAAA K99 – Stigma, Romantic Relationships, and Alcohol Use Among Transgender and Nonbinary Young Adults
PI: Murchison, Gabriel R - R01 NIAAA – A unified protocol to address sexual minority women's minority stress, mental health and hazardous drinking
PI: Pachankis, John Edward; Hughes, Tonda L - R21 NICHD: Delineating host, parasite and pharmacologic factors impacting the treatment of malaria in children with and without HIV
PI: Parikh, Sunil - K01 NHLBI: LEveraging A viRtual eNvironment (LEARN) to Enhance Prevention of HIV-related Comorbidities in at-risk Minority MSM
PI: Ramos, Silvia Raquel - R01 NIHMD – The Impact of Individual- and Neighborhood-Level Social Connectedness on Mental Health in Black Adults
PI: Ransome, Yusuf - Yale MacMillan Center Kempf Award – Managing Health during Humanitarian Crises: Resilience, Establishing Health Priorities, and impact on Health Care Workers
PI: Rozanova, Julia; Shenoi, Sheela - R21 NIMH – An mHealth implementation strategy to address the syndemic of mental illness, hypertension, and HIV in Uganda
PI: Schwartz, Jeremy Ian; Nakasujja, Noeline; Ssinabulya, Isaac - Promoting Retention in Opioid Treatment among Women Experiencing Intimate Partner Violence: A Novel Stepped Care Model Targeting PTSD
PI: Sullivan, Tami P; Edelman, E. Jennifer; Johnson, Dawn M - R01 NIMHD – Developing and validating a quantitative measure of daily intersectional stigma experiences for Black people with disabilities
PI: Wang, Peng