CIRA seeks letters of intent for its annual Pilot Projects in HIV Research program. The goal of the program is to provide short-term pilot funding that will lead to larger research projects that can successfully compete for NIH or other external funding. Proposed projects should be consistent with CIRA's mission to support innovative, interdisciplinary research that combines behavioral, social and biomedical approaches focused on the implementation of HIV prevention and treatment and the elimination of HIV disparities. Up to three projects will be funded in this cycle with a maximum award for individual projects of $20,000.
The deadline for Letters of Intent is Friday, September 19, 2014. Please note this deadline will NOT be extended.
Request for Letters of Intent for Pilot Project in HIV Research
The Center for Interdisciplinary Research on AIDS (CIRA) seeks letters of intent (Download PDF) for its annual Pilot Projects in HIV Research program. The goal of the program is to provide pilot funding that will result in additional externally funded research projects. Please note: There will no longer be a separate call for Community Research Pilot Projects, so all submissions to CIRA for pilot research funds should come in response to the current request. Letters of intent for applications for short-term funding support for preliminary, formative, or feasibility studies that will inform the development of larger, peer-reviewed research that can compete successfully for NIH or other funding will be considered. Applicants may propose to collect new data or to analyze data from completed R01, R03, R21 grants, other externally-funded projects, or previous CIRA pilot projects for the purposes of developing a new research agenda and funding.
Proposed projects should be consistent with CIRA's mission to support innovative, interdisciplinary research that combines behavioral, social and biomedical approaches focused on the implementation of HIV prevention and treatment and the elimination of HIV disparities. Preference will be given to projects that focus on priority populations and agendas identified in the National HIV/AIDS Strategy, encompass implementation research and focus on small urban centers with high HIV prevalence. Implementation research is defined as the systematic study of how a specific set of activities and designed strategies are used to successfully integrate an evidence-based public health intervention within specific settings (e.g., primary care clinic, community center, school). For further information see the NIH website. Consistent with CIRA's mission, research that focuses exclusively on the basic biology of HIV or research to develop new HIV treatments will not be considered.
CIRA plans to fund 2–3 projects in this cycle with a maximum award for individual projects of $20,000. Funding will be provided for up to one year. Proposals to supplement a study that is already funded by another source will be considered only if the proposed project is clearly distinct from the funded project.
Applicants must submit a brief Letter of Intent by September 19, 2014. This letter should include a descriptive title of the proposed project, a one paragraph description of your project, and the name(s) and contact information of the CIRA affiliates and (if applicable) community partner(s) and other non-Yale employees who will work on the project. If you have any questions, please contact Kate Stoddard, Assistant Director, Development Core, at (203) 764-8476 or via e-mail at for consultation on your project.
Applicants are required to submit a letter of intent. Our invitation for you to submit a full application will be contingent upon:
- the project's alignment with CIRA's mission,
- the feasibility of the project, and
- the potential for the project to lead to a larger research study funded by the National Institutes of Health or other granting agency.
Full applications will be due on November 7, 2014.
The program is open to full-time faculty and postdoctoral fellows and associates at Yale, The Institute for Community Research (ICR), and the Center for Health, Intervention, and Prevention (CHIP) at UCONN. Investigators from other universities or colleges, and community-based organizations are eligible to apply in collaboration with a Principal Investigator based at Yale, ICR, or CHIP. It is our expectation that awardees will hold an appointment at one of these institutions for at least one year past the award date. All investigators are eligible to apply, irrespective of their seniority or previous HIV research experience. Proposals from junior investigators, women, and underrepresented minorities are especially encouraged to apply.
Published: Friday, August 15, 2014