An in-depth review of scientific studies on the criminalization of HIV exposure in the United States has just been published in AIDS Behavior, http://rdcu.be/kcoA. Dini Harsono, Assistant Director for Clinical and Health Services Research at CIRA, is the lead author of the article. Collaborating authors include two prominent members of CIRA's longstanding work group on the Criminalization of HIV Non-Disclosure, Carol Galletly of the Center for AIDS Intervention Research, Medical College of Wisconsin and Zita Lazzarini, University of Connecticut Health Center, and CIRA's Executive Director, Elaine O’Keefe. This is the first comprehensive examination of empirical research on this topic in the US, examining studies conducted between 1990 and 2014. In addition to describing the research and key findings, the review discusses implications for practice and policy that emerge from the studies reviewed, identifies gaps in our current knowledge, and sets the course for future research in this area.
CIRA formed the Criminalization of HIV Non-Disclosure, Exposure, and Transmission Work Group in 2010, a multidisciplinary collaboration of policy makers, advocates, researchers, and other relevant stakeholders, focused on critical public health, ethical, and legal issues surrounding criminalization laws and on developing research questions pertaining to criminalization of HIV exposure and transmission. Over the years, members of the Work Group have produced multiple collaborative publications and research projects convened a national prosecutor’s roundtable on HIV law and policy, and authored and disseminated recommendations related to practice and ethics surrounding expanded use of HIV surveillance data, updates to the National HIV/AIDS Strategy for 2016-2020, and needed research on the impact of criminalization of HIV exposure on women. More information on the Work Group can be found at the CIRA website.
Published: Sunday, September 11, 2016