Yale University

DeAnne Turner Awarded CIRA Pilot for mHealth HIV program in Kenya

Dr. DeAnne Turner, Assistant Professor at the University of South Florida and former Yale AIDS Prevention Training fellow, has been awarded $25,000 through CIRA's Pilot program to support her research on "Using Web-based Peer Support to Increase HIV Testing Among Men who have Sex with Men in Kenya."

The one-year study will adapt and implement an evidence-based peer support program, HIV Empathy, Education, and Empowerment (HIVE3). HIVE3 is an internet-delivered program that aims to increase peer social support, decrease social isolation, minimize the effects of HIV and same-gender stigmas on HIV self-care and healthcare seeking behaviors, such as HIV testing. Dr. Turner will be collaborating with her community partners in Kenya, Help REACH Africa and the Q-Initiative.

Published: Friday, June 25, 2021