Drs. Tiara Willie and Jaimie Meyer, both former CIRA fellows, are the latest affiliates to successfully turn their CIRA pilot project into a full-scale HIV prevention research project. Willie, an Assistant Professor at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, and Meyer, an Assistant Professor of Medicine at Yale School of Medicine and Clinical Assistant Professor of Nursing at Yale School of Nursing, received the award from the National Institute of Mental Health for their project Development and Evaluation of a PrEP Decision Aid for Women Seeking Domestic Violence Services in Baltimore. The R34 grant aims to adapt, implement and evaluate self- and advocate-administered versions of a PrEP decision aid in a domestic violence agency in Baltimore in order to increase PrEP uptake among Black women in an Ending the HIV Epidemic priority area, address trauma as a barrier to PrEP uptake, and ultimately combat racial disparities in women's HIV cases. REIDS scholar Dr. Kamila Alexander and Dr. Stefan Baral, both faculty at Johns Hopkins University, are Co-Investigators.
A key priority for CIRA is to stimulate and support the development of new and emerging research ideas. Since 2014, CIRA has funded twenty pilot projects, resulting in 29 grant applications, with 10 of these securing funding from the NIH and others. These pilots have also generated 30 scholarly manuscripts and 44 conference presentations.
Congratulations to Drs. Tiara Willie and Jaimie Meyer!
Published: Tuesday, September 7, 2021