Kim Blankenship (pictured left), CIRA co-founder, and Linda Niccolai (pictured right), Director of CIRA's Development Core, will collaborate on a new study, "Social Determinants of HIV: The Intersecting Impacts of Mass Incarceration, Housing Stability, and Subsidized Housing Policies". Drs. Blankenship (PI) and Niccolai (Co-Investigator) were awarded $3,863,160 from NIMH to conduct the 5-year study beginning June 15, 2016. Their study aims to: 1) analyze variation across the US in the degree of restrictiveness of subsidized housing policies as it relates to rates of HIV/AIDS and STIs, and race disparities in these rates; 2) understand from the perspective of vulnerable populations how mass incarceration, housing stability, and experiences with subsidized housing policies intersect to impact HIV/AIDS/STI related sexual risks, and produce race disparities in these risks; and, 3) examine from the perspective of policymakers, program implementers, landlords, criminal justice system personnel, and housing and legal service providers, how subsidized housing policies are interpreted and implemented locally and why they are interpreted and implemented in this way. Other investigators at Yale include Trace Kershaw and Danya Keene.
Project Information from NIH Reporter
Published: Thursday, August 4, 2016