Yale faculty members Drs. Donna Spiegelman, Raul U. Hernandez-Ramirez, Drew Cameron, and Jeremy Schwartz at Yale's Center for Methods in Implementation and Prevention Science - along with Drs. Fred Semitala of Makerere University, Chris Longenecker of Case Western Reserve University, and others - were recently awarded a grant from the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute for their project "Strengthening the Blood Pressure Care and Treatment Cascade for Ugandans Living with HIV - Implementation Strategies to SAve Lives" (PULESA-UGANDA). The study aims to integrate evidence-based hypertension and HIV care by exploring current routines, barriers, and facilitators of hypertension care in HIV clinical settings in Uganda; determining the effectiveness of implementation strategies to improve hypertension cascade metrics with the study clinics; and evaluating the economic and financial sustainability of the integrated care strategies.
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Published: Sunday, March 21, 2021