World AIDS Day is held on December 1 each year for people the world over to show solidarity in the fight against HIV/AIDS, demonstrate their support for people living with HIV, and remember those who have died.
- Monday, December 1 – Join Yale-APHA and Out in Public for a World AIDS Day commemoration breakfast at 9:30 am at the Yale School of Public Health, 60 College St (LEPH) outside Winslow Auditorium. Gregg Gonsalves, a long time AIDS activist and current lecturer at Yale School of Law, will share a few words. Free condoms and other goodies will be passed out. Breakfast will be served.
- Monday, December 1 – AIDS Connecticut (ACT) will host a luncheon from 10:30 am to 1:30 pm at its Connections Wellness Center site at 1229 Albany Avenue in Hartford, CT. The event will feature a presentation on HIV advocacy, personal story sharing, and a lighting ceremony to commemorate the passing of friends. Friends and their families are invited. Please call (860) 547-1771 for more information.
- Monday, December 1 – Human Resources Agency (HRA) of New Britain World AIDS Day event from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm at South Church Cooper Hall at 90 Main Street in New Britain, CT.
- Monday, December 1 - Alliance for Living New London will show the movie Common Threads: Stories from the Quilt at Connecticut College at the Tansill Theatre at 6:00 pm. Panels from the AIDS Memorial Quilt that is the subject of this movie will be on display throughout the week of December 1. For more information, contact Alliance For Living at 154 Broad Street in New London or call (860) 447-0884 extension 231.
- Friday, December 5 - CIRA will present a special Yale AIDS Colloquium Series – World AIDS Talk in New Haven, CT - Biomedical Prevention of HIV - Translating Research into Action. Lunch will be served at 11:30 am with the talk to follow at 12:00 Noon. Please be sure to register for this event. The speaker will be Dr. Thomas Quinn who is Professor of Medicine and Pathology in the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and Professor of International Health, Epidemiology, and Molecular Microbiology and Immunology in The Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, and Professor of Nursing in the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing. In 2006 he was appointed founding Director of the Johns Hopkins University Center for Global Health. He serves as advisor/consultant on HIV and STDs to the World Health Organization, Office of the Global AIDS Coordinator (PEPFAR), UNAIDS, and the FDA.
- Friday, December 5 - The New Haven Mayor's Task Force on AIDS will host a commemoration, pre-event starts at 1:45 pm, people are invited to walk from the four corners of the New Haven Green to meet in the center – those participating are encouraged to wear a red scarf. A service at 2:00 pm follows at the United Church on the Green and a reception following at the New Haven Public Library.
- Saturday, December 6 - HRA of New Britain, CT will host the theatrical production "Who Is It" at the Trinity-On-Main Theater, 69 Main Street, New Britain, CT. "Who Is It" tells a family history of deception, sexual abuse, mental illness, addiction, and HIV. For tickets and more information, call (656) 765-7829.
Published: Monday, November 10, 2014