Yale University

Cristina Cruza-Guet, Ph.D.

  • Lecturer, Department of Psychiatry, Yale University
  • Former Postdoctoral Fellow, CIRA


Dr. Cruza-Guet’s research focuses on the development of community-based and integrated health care interventions for the prevention and management of HIV and other risks factors for chronic disease among individuals with co-occurring mental health and addictive disorders. Cristina participated in the assessment planning of a newly-funded RO1, where she conducted review and translation of assessment measures; in qualitative analysis, where she coded interview transcripts with the research team); the planning of second wave of data collection at the Connecticut Mental Health Center as part of a larger community-university partnership; quantitative data analysis with existing databases; development of manuscripts as first author and co-author, and grant writing. In addition, in spring 2012 Cristina wrote and was awarded a $25,000 pilot project from CIRA to collect preliminary data on co-occurring substance use and mental health disorders and intimate partner violence among Latinas. This work will provide pilot data for a subsequent NIH grant proposal. Also in 2012, Dr. Cruza-Guet accepted funding from the American Psychological Association Postdoctoral Minority Fellowship Program to further her specialization in Latinos with mental health, substance abuse and HIV.