Funder: CIRA
Project period: 02/01/2001 - 07/31/2008
Grant Type: Pilot Project
Abstract Text:
This project accumulates preliminary sentinel data on the prevalence of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and sexually transmitted diseases (STD) within the population of injection drug users (IDUs) that seek services at the Biomedical Center in St. Petersburg, Russia. Data collected will be used to verify if the STD prevalence in St. Petersburg SEP users is in a range that makes it worthwhile to conduct a prevention intervention aimed at lowering HIV transmission by reducing the prevalence of STDs.
The goal of this project was accomplished by:
- Conducting a risk-behavior assessment among a convenience sample of IDUs seeking health care at the Biomedical Center in St Petersburg, Russia.
- Testing subjects and estimating the prevalence of current gonorrhea, Chlamydia trachomatis, syphilis, HSV-2 and HIV infections among the study population.
- Correlating laboratory test results with data on frequency and nature of sex risk behavior practices in this population.