Yale University

Driving social impact with common global indicators for healthy lifestyle programs: lessons learned.

TitleDriving social impact with common global indicators for healthy lifestyle programs: lessons learned.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsRobinson, Nicole R., Julia Gin, Shilpa Kamath-Jha, Michel Infantes, Ricardo Hernandez, Michael Alberg-Seberich, Devika Suri, and Rafael Pérez-Escamilla
JournalFood and nutrition bulletin
Issue3 Suppl
Date Published2014 Sep
AbstractPartnerships between corporate entities and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) involved in delivering community focused health and well-being programs are becoming increasingly valuable especially in the context of promoting healthy lifestyles around the globe. The Mondelēz International Foundation (MIF) has funded healthy lifestyles community based programs targeting children and youth through partnership with seven global NGOs. To assess collective impact of these programs, it is crucial to identify best practices and common impact indicators that can be measured across programs. MIF therefore organized the Healthy Lifestyles Evaluation Workshop to explore these pertinent questions.
Alternate JournalFood Nutr Bull

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