Yale University

HIV in people reincarcerated in Connecticut prisons and jails: an observational cohort study.

TitleHIV in people reincarcerated in Connecticut prisons and jails: an observational cohort study.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsMeyer, Jaimie P., Javier Cepeda, Sandra A. Springer, Johnny Wu, Robert L. Trestman, and Frederick L. Altice
JournalThe lancet. HIV
Date Published2014 Nov 1
AbstractReincarceration in prison or jail correlates with non-sustained HIV viral suppression, but HIV treatment outcomes in released prisoners who are reincarcerated have not recently been systematically assessed despite advances in antiretroviral treatment (ART) potency, simplicity, and tolerability.
Alternate JournalLancet HIV

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