Abstract | While there have been significant advances in curbing the HIV disease epidemic worldwide, there continues to be significant number of incident cases with 2.3 million new infections in the year 2012 alone. Treatment as prevention (TasP), which involves the use of antiretroviral drugs to decrease the likelihood of HIV illness, death and transmission from infected individuals to their noninfected sexual and /or drug paraphernalia-sharing injecting partners, must be incorporated into any HIV prevention strategy that is going to be successful on a large scale. Especially in resource-limited settings, the focus of the prevention approach should be on high-risk groups who contribute disproportionately to community HIV transmission, including people who inject drugs (PWID), men who have sex with men (MSM) and sex workers. Innovative strategies including integrated care services adapted to different patient care settings have to and can be employed to reach these at-risk populations. |