Yale University

The Role of Prevention in Promoting Continuity of Health Care in Prisoner Reentry Initiatives.

TitleThe Role of Prevention in Promoting Continuity of Health Care in Prisoner Reentry Initiatives.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2013
AuthorsWoods, Lakeesha N., Stephen A. Lanza, William Dyson, and Derrick M. Gordon
JournalAmerican journal of public health
Date Published2013 Mar 14
AbstractMost incarcerated individuals will return to the community, and their successful reentry requires consideration of their health and how their health will affect their families and communities. We propose the use of a prevention science framework that integrates universal, selective, and indicated strategies to facilitate the successful reentry of men released from prison. Understanding how health risks and disparities affect the transition from prison to the community will enhance reentry intervention efforts. To explore the application of the prevention rubric, we evaluated a community-based prisoner reentry initiative. The findings challenge all involved in reentry initiatives to reconceptualize prisoner reentry from a program model to a prevention model that considers multilevel risks to and facilitators of successful reentry. (Am J Public Health. Published online ahead of print March 14, 2013: e1-e9. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2012.300961).
Alternate JournalAm J Public Health

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