Yale University

Understanding HIV disclosure: a review and application of the Disclosure Processes Model.

TitleUnderstanding HIV disclosure: a review and application of the Disclosure Processes Model.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2011
AuthorsChaudoir, Stephenie R., Jeffrey D. Fisher, and Jane M. Simoni
JournalSocial science & medicine (1982)
Date Published2011 May
KeywordsHIV Seropositivity, Humans, Models, Theoretical, Prejudice, Truth Disclosure
AbstractHIV disclosure is a critical component of HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment efforts, yet the field lacks a comprehensive theoretical framework with which to study how HIV-positive individuals make decisions about disclosing their serostatus and how these decisions affect them. Recent theorizing in the context of the Disclosure Processes Model has suggested that the disclosure process consists of antecedent goals, the disclosure event itself, mediating processes and outcomes, and a feedback loop. In this paper, we apply this new theoretical framework to HIV disclosure in order to review the current state of the literature, identify gaps in existing research, and highlight the implications of the framework for future work in this area.
DOI 10.1016/j.socscimed.2011.03.028
Alternate JournalSoc Sci Med

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