Yale University

Are comparisons of patient experiences across hospitals fair? A study in veterans health administration hospitals.

TitleAre comparisons of patient experiences across hospitals fair? A study in veterans health administration hospitals.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsCleary, Paul D., Mark Meterko, Steven M. Wright, and Alan M. Zaslavsky
JournalMedical care
Date Published2014 Jul
AbstractSurveys are increasingly used to assess patient experiences with health care. Comparisons of hospital scores based on patient experience surveys should be adjusted for patient characteristics that might affect survey results. Such characteristics are commonly drawn from patient surveys that collect little, if any, clinical information. Consequently some hospitals, especially those treating particularly complex patients, have been concerned that standard adjustment methods do not adequately reflect the challenges of treating their patients.
Alternate JournalMed Care

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