Yale University

A critical analysis of the Brazilian response to HIV/AIDS: lessons learned for controlling and mitigating the epidemic in developing countries.

TitleA critical analysis of the Brazilian response to HIV/AIDS: lessons learned for controlling and mitigating the epidemic in developing countries.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2005
AuthorsBerkman, Alan, Jonathan Garcia, Miguel Muñoz-Laboy, Vera Paiva, and Richard Parker
JournalAmerican journal of public health
Date Published2005 Jul
KeywordsAcquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, Adult, Anti-Retroviral Agents, Brazil, Developing Countries, Educational Status, Female, Human Rights, Humans, Incidence, Male, Public Health, Sex Distribution
AbstractThe Brazilian National AIDS Program is widely recognized as the leading example of an integrated HIV/AIDS prevention, care, and treatment program in a developing country. We critically analyze the Brazilian experience, distinguishing those elements that are unique to Brazil from the programmatic and policy decisions that can aid the development of similar programs in other low- and middle-income and developing countries.Among the critical issues that are discussed are human rights and solidarity, the interface of politics and public health, sexuality and culture, the integration of prevention and treatment, the transition from an epidemic rooted among men who have sex with men to one that increasingly affects women, and special prevention and treatment programs for injection drug users.
Alternate JournalAm J Public Health

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