Yale University

Optimizing HIV care by expanding the nursing role: patient and provider perspectives.

TitleOptimizing HIV care by expanding the nursing role: patient and provider perspectives.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2010
AuthorsChen, Wei-Ti, Cheng-Shi Shiu, Jane Simoni, Karen Fredriksen-Goldsen, Fujie Zhang, and Hongxin Zhao
JournalJournal of advanced nursing
Date Published2010 Feb
KeywordsAdult, Attitude of Health Personnel, China, Delivery of Health Care, Female, Focus Groups, HIV Infections, Hospitals, General, Hospitals, Special, Humans, Interdisciplinary Communication, Male, Medical Staff, Hospital, Nurse's Role, Nursing Staff, Hospital, Patient Satisfaction, Questionnaires
AbstractThis paper is a report of a study conducted to explore HIV healthcare services from the perspectives of both healthcare providers and patients in order to understand how to optimize HIV nursing care.
Alternate JournalJ Adv Nurs

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