Yale University

Social Dominance Orientation, Nonnative Accents, and Hiring Recommendations.

TitleSocial Dominance Orientation, Nonnative Accents, and Hiring Recommendations.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsHansen, Karolina, and John F. Dovidio
JournalCultural diversity & ethnic minority psychology
Date Published2016 Apr 28
AbstractDiscrimination against nonnative speakers is widespread and largely socially acceptable. Nonnative speakers are evaluated negatively because accent is a sign that they belong to an outgroup and because understanding their speech requires unusual effort from listeners. The present research investigated intergroup bias, based on stronger support for hierarchical relations between groups (social dominance orientation [SDO]), as a predictor of hiring recommendations of nonnative speakers.
Alternate JournalCultur Divers Ethnic Minor Psychol

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