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Blankenship, Kim M., and Amy B. Smoyer. "Prison, re-entry, and HIV prevention." Focus (San Francisco, Calif.) 22, no. 4 (2007): 5-6.
Toll, Benjamin A., Peter Salovey, Stephanie S. O'Malley, Carolyn M. Mazure, Amy Latimer, and Sherry A. McKee. "Message framing for smoking cessation: the interaction of risk perceptions and gender." Nicotine & tobacco research : official journal of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco 10, no. 1 (2008): 195-200. Abstract
Savage, E. J., M. J. van de Laar, A. Gallay, M. van der Sande, O. Hamouda, A. Sasse, S. Hoffmann, M. Diez, M. J. Borrego, C. M. Lowndes et al. "Lymphogranuloma venereum in Europe, 2003-2008." Euro surveillance : bulletin européen sur les maladies transmissibles = European communicable disease bulletin 14, no. 48 (2009). Abstract
Meade, Christina S., Trace S. Kershaw, and Jeannette R. Ickovics. "The intergenerational cycle of teenage motherhood: an ecological approach." Health psychology : official journal of the Division of Health Psychology, American Psychological Association 27, no. 4 (2008): 419-29. Abstract