Futures Without Violence, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and RALIANCE are thrilled to announce the winner of the 2021 Linda E. Saltzman New Investigator Award, Dr. Nkiru Nnawulezi,...
Check out this recent blog post written by CIRA predoctoral fellows, Marie-Fatima Hyacinthe and Shannon Whittaker, and published by the Interdisciplinary Association for Population Health Science (IAPHS). The...
A blue atlas cedar tree, known for its pyramidal form and silvery blue foliage that drapes from expansive branches, was planted by the front entrance of the Yale School of Public Health this month to honor...
Looking for a new podcast? Delving into everything from black empowerment, drugs, and sex, CIRA affiliates are giving voice to serious issues. Below are several noteworthy options:Black and EMPOWERed...
Don't miss a chance to secure new funding. CIRA is pleased to introduce a new way for our community to search active HIV/AIDS-related funding opportunities. Among the searchable fields are Title, Type (...
Former Research Education Institute for Diverse Scholars (REIDS), Dr. Ndidiamaka Amutah-Onukagha, has been appointed the Assistant Dean for Diversity and Inclusion for the Department of Public Health &...
CIRA Predoctoral Fellow, Daniel Bromberg, recently received a Global Health Equity Scholars Award from NIH Fogarty International Center for his project titled "Adapting and testing an informed decision-...
CIRA Predoctoral Fellow, Tony Maiolatesi, was recently awarded a 2021 National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship for his project titled "Calling Forth the Power from Within: Activation of...
If you missed the virtual opening of the latest Yale School of Medicine Program for Art in Public Spaces exhibition, you can view it online. The March 4 virtual opening of Community in a Time of Crisis: Yale,...
For more than a decade, Dr. Lynn Fiellin, a professor of medicine at Yale University, has been at the forefront of the push to bring gaming into sex education. Her lab, Play2PREVENT, has developed an...
Are you a member of Connecticut's LGBTQ+ community? Join the Proud to Count movement by filling out Connecticut's LGBTQ+ Community Survey. The Survey aims to 1) enhance our understanding of the number of...
National Youth HIV & AIDS Awareness Day (#NYHAAD), observed annually on April 10, educates the public about the impact of HIV/AIDS on youth and highlights the work youth do to strengthen the fight against...
CIRA is excited to present theis unique event in the coming weeks. Everyone is welcome to join. Questions can be emailed to the appropriate contact person listed after the event. Please feel free to share...
The Center for Interdisciplinary Research on AIDS community mourns the loss of Robert (Bob) J. Levine, MD, Emeritus Professor of Internal Medicine (1934- 2020). Bob was the director of CIRA's Law, Policy and...
Yale faculty members Drs. Donna Spiegelman, Raul U. Hernandez-Ramirez, Drew Cameron, and Jeremy Schwartz at Yale's Center for Methods in Implementation and Prevention Science - along with Drs. Fred Semitala of...
Former Research Education Institute for Diverse Scholars (REIDS) scholar, Ijeoma Opara, Ph.D., will be joining Yale School of Public Health as a tenure-track Assistant Professor of Racism & Health in the...
Dr. Ijeoma Opara's community-based participatory research (CBPR) approach to substance use prevention and mental health services for urban youth was recently highlighted by NIH Director, Dr. Francis Collins....
CIRA's 2021 Pilot Project cycle is now open. Click on this link for details and requirements. To submit a Letter of Interest, please complete the online survey by March 15, 2021. This year, all CIRA affiliates...
A new Lancet series published on February 19, 2021, "HIV in the USA", outlines the ongoing challenges to ending the HIV epidemic and recommendations to overcome barriers to implementing HIV services, such as...
As part of Yale School of Public Health's Acts of Service campaign, CIRA's Executive Director, Sharon Mierzwa, volunteers every month at one of Hartford's mobile Foodshare sites. "People across Connecticut are...
Dr. Yzette Lanier, a former Research Education Institute for Diverse Scholars (REIDS) scholar and currently an assistant professor at NYU Rory Meyers College of Nursing, has been named a mentor for...
On January 15, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) released its HIV National Strategic Plan for the United States: A Roadmap to End the Epidemic 2021-2025. The HIV Plan, which presents a...
2020 was one of the most challenging in recent memory and one that profoundly affected the world around us and the work we do and support at CIRA. The COVID-19 pandemic created considerable challenges to HIV...
We are pleased to announce the first of CIRA's Community Conversations series, which highlight the real-world relevance of research in the domains of HIV, sexual health, LGBTQ health, and harm reduction. Join...
This past July, Tracy Rabin, MD, SM, and Sheela Shenoi, MD, MPH, were appointed director and associate director of the Department of Internal Medicine's Office of Global Health. This exciting change to...