CIRA is a recognized hub for training, career development and mentorship of diverse scholars through growth of national training programs like Yale AIDS Prevention Training Program (Y-APT) and Research...
Join @rectalrockstar Jonathan Baker for a presentation and Q+A via Facebook Live to learn about healthier, safer anal sex practices and ask the hard questions the Internet can't be trusted to answer. This...
Dr. Raquel Ramos, an Assistant Professor at New York University Rory Meyers College of Nursing and a former Research Education Institute for Diverse Scholars (REIDS), was awarded pilot funding from the...
Effective, September 1, 2020, Trace Kershaw, PhD assumed the role of Director and Principal Investigator for CIRA's P30 grant from the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH). Paul Cleary, PhD. is stepping...
Projects that focus on enhancing public health education in Sudan, improving community health in rural Ghana, and using mobile technology to integrate mental health into primary care in Nigeria won this year's...
The Community Alliance for Research and Engagement (CARE) is looking for researchers and research projects that would be interested in hosting two New Haven Community Research Fellows (formerly known as Health...
CIRA currently seeks letters of intent for its annual Pilot Projects in HIV Research Program. Applicants must submit a one-page letter of intent by 5:00 p.m. on Monday, August 20, 2018. Full applications...
CIRA seeks letters of nomination for the International Visiting Fellow Program. The primary purpose of the program is to support a CIRA scientist who is a Yale faculty member engaged in HIV research in an...
The new Yale Institute for Global Health (YIGH), approved by the Yale Corporation on Dec. 8, further advances President Salovey's goal for the university to have a greater impact on complex international...
HIV is more common among individuals in the criminal justice system than among people in the community, but just a fraction of people with HIV in prison or jail receive prompt care after release, say Yale...
The NIH Public Access Policy ensures that the public has access to the published results of NIH-funded research. It requires scientists to submit final peer-reviewed journal manuscripts that arise from NIH-...
Thu, November 16, 6:30 pm-9:00 pmLocation: AIDS Project New Haven, 1302 Chapel Street, New Haven, CTUndetectable: The TruthEver wondered what it's like living with HIV in 2017? MPowerment is hosting a panel...
CIRA is pleased to announce the awardees for our 2017 Pilot Projects in HIV/AIDS Prevention Research Program.Drs. John Pachankis (top left) and Krystn Wagner (top right) - Adapting An Evidence-based...
Adult men who have sex with men (MSM) are one of the highest risk groups for HIV. In 2010, MSM accounted for 78 percent of new HIV infections among males—with more than one third of all new HIV/AIDS...
The Yale School of Medicine Section of General Internal Medicine has established a new program - the Yale Program in Addiction Medicine. The multi-disciplinary clinical, educational, and research program...
CIRA is pleased to introduce the new Assistant Director of our Community Research and Implementation Core (CRI), Mr. Daniel Davidson, who will join CIRA's research support team on October 23, 2017. Daniel...
Here's a lingering public health mystery: Heterosexual black women in Philadelphia are at higher risk of contracting HIV than their white counterparts. But no one can yet say exactly why - or how to fix the...
Gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men (MSM) often are motivated to embark on new lives in supportive countries to escape oppression and experience freedoms unavailable in their home countries....
Katrina Clark was an extraordinary leader and an inspirational figure to many in New Haven and beyond. She was a longtime member of CIRA and our Community Advisory Board, her presence and contributions will be...
Jim Pettinelli will be leaving his position as Assistant Director of CIRA's Community Research and Implementation Core in September to become the new executive director of Liberty Community Services, a greater...
CIRA seeks letters of intent for its annual Pilot Projects in HIV/AIDS Prevention Research program. The goal of this program is to provide pilot funding that will result in additional externally funded...
A new Yale School of Public Health study found that slot machines, or "one-armed bandits", may offer a clue to how AIDS programs can better locate persons living with undiagnosed HIV infection. "When you...
After 20 years of leadership in CIRA, Dr. Jeannette Ickovics will step down from her role as CIRA Deputy Director in August as she prepares to take on a new role at YSPH as Visiting Professor at the Yale-...
In response to the rise in opioid overdose deaths nationwide, pharmaceutical companies have developed formulations of prescription opioids designed to prevent tampering or abuse. These “abuse-deterrent” forms...
Life expectancy for 20-year-olds initiating treatment for HIV has increased by about a decade in the European Union and North America since the introduction of antiretroviral therapy in the mid-1990s,...