Yale University


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Wang, Emily A., Jenerius A. Aminawung, Warren Ferguson, Robert Trestman, Edward H. Wagner, and Carol Bova. "A Tool for Tracking and Assessing Chronic Illness Care in Prison (ACIC-P)." Journal of correctional health care : the official journal of the National Commission on Correctional Health Care (2014). Abstract
Wang, Emily A., Jenerius A. Aminawung, Warren Ferguson, Robert Trestman, Edward H. Wagner, and Carol Bova. "A tool for tracking and assessing chronic illness care in prison (ACIC-P)." Journal of correctional health care : the official journal of the National Commission on Correctional Health Care 20, no. 4 (2014): 313-33. Abstract
Abdala, N., P. C. Stephens, B. P. Griffith, and R. Heimer. "Survival of HIV-1 in syringes." Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes and human retrovirology : official publication of the International Retrovirology Association 20, no. 1 (1999): 73-80. Abstract
Safren, Steven A., Gina Wingood, and Frederick L. Altice. "Strategies for primary HIV prevention that target behavioral change." Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America 45 Suppl 4 (2007): S300-307. Abstract