Yale University

People at CIRA

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | V | W | Y | Z
Postdoctoral Associate, Yale School of Medicine
Assistant Professor, Psychology, Columbian College of Arts & Sciences, The George Washington University
Former Postdoctoral Fellow, CIRA
Assistant Professor, College of Public Health, University of Georgia
Former Fellow, Research Education Institute for Diverse Scholars (REIDS)
Assistant Professor of Health Policy, Yale School of Public Health
Clinical Data Scientist, National Association of Community Health Centers
Fellow, Research Education Institute for Diverse Scholars (REIDS)
Assistant Professor of Clinical and Community Psychology, Georgia State University
Adjunct Faculty, Emory University
Former Fellow, Research Education Institute for Diverse Scholars (REIDS)
Associate Professor of Medicine & Behavioral and Social Sciences, Brown University
Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health
Fellow, Research Education Institute for Diverse Scholars (REIDS)
PhD Student, Yale School of Public Health
Assistant Professor, University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) School of Nursing
Former Fellow, Research Education Institute for Diverse Scholars (REIDS)
Associate Professor of Psychiatry and of Emergency Medicine, Yale School of Medicine
Associate Professor, UCLA School of Nursing
Former Fellow, Research Education Institute for Diverse Scholars (REIDS)
Postdoctoral Fellow, Division of Prevention and Community Research, Department of Psychiatry, Yale School of Medicine
Sol Goldman Family Professor of Social and Natural Science, Internal Medicine & Biomedical Engineering, Yale School of Engineering & Applied Science
Co-Director, Yale Institute for Network Science
Director, Human Nature Lab, Yale University
(203) 436-4747
Doctoral Candidate, Social Work, University of Connecticut
Member, Community Advisory Board, CIRA
Anna M. R. Lauder Professor Emeritus of Public Health and Senior Research Scientist in Public Health (Health Policy), Yale School of Public Health
Former Director, CIRA
Professor of Epidemiology (Microbial Diseases), Yale School of Public Health
Executive Director, APNH: A Place to Nourish your Health
Member, Executive Committee, CIRA
Visiting Assistant Professor of Public Policy and Law, Trinity College
Former Fellow, Research Education Institute for Diverse Scholars (REIDS)
Research Associate II, UConn Health
Data Manager, Abounding Prosperity, Inc.
Professor, Department of Allied Health Sciences, University of Connecticut
Associate Director, Institute for Collaboration on Health, Intervention, and Policy (InCHIP), University of Connecticut
Member, Executive Committee, CIRA
Assistant Professor of Public Health (Biostatistics), Yale School of Public Health
Assistant Professor, Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, Yale University
Professor of Psychiatry, Yale School of Medicine
Director, Program Evaluation and Child Trauma Research,The Consultation Center
Instructor, Yale School of Medicine
Assistant Professor, University of Illinois at Chicago